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Barber Hair Cuts & Hair Salon Services in Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Visit us on Manhattan Ave right across from McCarren Park! Off of the ‘G’ train for most, the neighborhood has great energy and is packed with artists, vintage shops, cafes & restaurants. Street parking is usually readily available as well.


We try to achieve the hair of your dreams while keeping it as low maintenance as possible!! Hair Color is an added (best) accessory to your everyday look.

Hair Cuts
We love sexy beach hair!!!! “Lived in” is what we strive for! Something that is effortless but makes you feel sexy and beautiful!

Finally a one stop shop for hair cuts people with short hair. Barbers that can finesse a fade as well as cut and style the top. Scissor cuts & long locks? They can handle that just as well. Get a high end cut at a fair price in a comfortable and fun space.
Hair Cuts & Hair Styling in Greenpoint since 2022

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